Back to the future

I’ve been seriously slacking in the blogging department lately, and it seems my absence hasn’t gone unnoticed (and I want to thank you all, for checking up on me and making sure I haven’t drowned in the bayou. I appreciate it!). I could say I’ve been busy over the holidays, which would be true, but it wouldn’t be the whole story. The whole story requires a bit of background information.

Let me start by saying that I grew up in a very buttoned up household. We went to church as a family every single Sunday. We prayed before every meal. I was expected to apply myself in school, had a very strict curfew and wasn’t allowed to date in high school. Sex wasn’t something we talked about, and my parents even dragged me out of sex-ed because I wouldn’t have sex before I was married anyway  and wouldn’t have to bother with silly things like birth control on my wedding night. Which, of course, would all happen after I got my law degree from Yale.

Even though I respect their beliefs, I knew early on that I didn’t agree with them. Yet, by the time sex was somewhat of an option for me, my brain was so screwed up about the whole thing that it literary put my body on lockdown. I was ‘blessed’ with vaginismus (the link will take you to a Wikipedia page about it, if you don’t know what it is. I could explain it myself, but that would be a blog post all on its own).

After years of trying to wish it away and trying to ‘power through’ (horrible, horrible plan) I finally started to see a sex therapist. She gave me homework that made me blush and stutter, and encouraged me to start journaling. And I did. I filled page after page with failed attempts, semi-successful attempts and, finally, successful attempts. Even after I was finished with therapy, I kept at it. Always written from the perspective of an outsider looking in, still distancing myself from it, until one day I stopped writing on paper and booted up a blog instead.

For months, I blogged about my relationship, love, struggles, my friends, school and yes – sex. Or, in short, I blogged about my life. ALL aspects of my life. Not only that, but I started talking to other people who blog about somewhat more ‘mature’ subjects, liked them, befriended them. And after years of struggle, I came to terms with being who I am. This girl with all these different aspects of life integrated into one breathing being. And having this blog meant that I could talk about whatever I wanted, when I wanted to.

… And then I got pregnant. Which was this life altering thing that I couldn’t even wrap my head around at the time. Something that caused many panic attacks, tears, laughter. Of course I wanted to write about it. And without thinking, I split of a blog just for that and Catching Rhye was ‘born’.

Now, here’s the problem- I split it off. Like I’m two different people; a 24-year-old who blogs about nothing and everything and all the things in between, and a mother who talks about clothes and kids.

I don’t want to do that anymore, blog like I am split down the middle. And I like to think we live in a world where I don’t have to. I do realize that not everyone can get on board with that, and that’s okay too. I’m willing to lose a few readers if that means I can go back to… non-split-blogging, if you will.

So, if you’re interested, you can hop over to Seven Seas of Rhye. The language might be a bit more crude sometimes, and again, I do talk about sex on occasion or mention it in passing (should I have given you the impression that I write a sex blog, I really, really don’t) but at least I can stand behind it and say ‘Here, this is all of me, and I mean what I say.’

As for this place… I’m leaving it up for now, but I won’t be around. All of you who decide to stay behind – best of luck to you, and thank you for reading. And to all of you who are willing to follow me along…

Catch you on the flip side ❤

Wednesday Wardrobe: A Few Of My Favorite Things

Don’t let the title scare you away, I promise I’m not going to sing. What I am going to do is gush over all the clothes, accessories, cosmetics and what not that are pictured below. If you plan on reading through all of it, I suggest you take a break right now to make yourself a cup of tea. Go on, I’ll wait.


Okay let’s go!

These jeans or from Kuyichi, a Dutch Fair Trade brand. Their motto proclaims ‘Now you can look good and feel good at the same time’, and I couldn’t agree more. These jeans are actually way too long for me, and so the leg openings are all torn and ruined, but truthfully? That’s how I like my jeans. Out of all the jeans I own, this is the pair that I wear the most. They are casual, but not sloppy, very comfy and made out of organic cotton. So no synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. Bless.

This is one of my favorite shirts and I have no idea whatsoever where I got it from. Helpful, I know. What I do know is that it’s from ‘Fresh Made’, a brand that I’ve personally never really heard of and can’t find any information about. So I might have bought it at a market somewhere. Nevertheless, plain white long sleeved shirts with buttons shouldn’t be too hard to find.

I’m usually not a huge Vans fan because most of their sneakers are a little clunky, what with them being a skate brand and all, but these I love. They’re comfy, casual and go with almost everything. just informed me they are no longer available, but I’m sure they can still be found on some other websites. I’m just too lazy to look for them.

{LOVE necklace}
An impromptu gift from Sam on a class trip to London over 7 years ago, and they still sell these things at Tesco. They ship internationally, so if you really want one, you can order them here.

{Faux Diamond Studs}
Impulse buy at Charlotte Russe, but I’ve been wearing them a lot lately. They’re clean and simple and cost next to nothing, so I don’t have to freak when I lose them. Which is inevitable, really. All my earrings are misplaced sooner or later.

{Miss Dior Eau de Toilette}
My Holiest of Grales, this one. When I was a little girl, this was my mother’s ‘special’ perfume, saved for social events and dates with my father. My mom gave me a bottle for my 16th birthday, and I’ve never looked back. Yes, there have been other perfumes along the way, but I always, always, have a bottle of Miss Dior in my bathroom. Out of all the perfumes I’ve come to love, Miss Dior is most ‘me’.

{Le Lipstique, Lip Colouring Stick with Brush by Lancôme}
For everyday use, I stick to the shade Natural Mauve, worn under Lancôme’s Juicy Tubes Spring Fling, also in the picture. These lip coloring sticks come in a variety of colors and are very long lasting. Also one of few lip products that does not dry out my lips.

{Le Stylo Waterproof Long Lasting Eyeliner by Lancôme}
I don’t use this to apply eyeliner above my lashes but for tightlining, which I prefer. It looks much more natural and it’s easier to do, so win-win. Le Stylo is great for this, and like Le Lipstique it stays in place and is very long lasting.

{Définicils Precious Cells Mascara by Lancôme}
Do you wear contacts? Try this mascara. My eyes can become really irritated really fast, but this mascara doesn’t bother me at all which is almost a miracle. It also gets bonus points for improving the condition of your lashes over time (about 4 weeks).

{Effacernes Concealer by Lancôme}
I can’t live without this stuff, especially now that I have two-month-old twins and have dark circles under my eyes the size of Poland. Lancôme is the only brand that has an exact match for my skin color, both in concealers and foundation, so they’ll have me as a customer forever.

{Ôscillation Powerfoundation by Lancôme}
Truth time: I suck at applying foundation. If I have to use a regular brush I come out looking like a blotchy, stripy clown. The applicator that comes with this foundation vibrates, so the only thing you’ll have to do once you’ve pushed the button is let it glide over your face. A monkey can do it, really. Absolutely L.O.V.E. this product.

{Blush Highlighter by Lancôme}*
Very pricey, but worth it (at least in my opinion). I have very fair skin, so any blush that’s too dark will make me look like I have a fever. This one just gives me that healthy glow that you want.

{OPI Nail Polish}
I will always be an OPI girl, and not just because I can get it cheap. I especially love their softer shades and this one (So Many Clowns/So Little Time) is my current favorite.

{Ray-Ban Wayfarer Acetate Sunglasses}
My go-to sunglasses, because they’re simple, black, go with everything and make me feel badass.

{Black Chanel Suede Handbag}
A gift from my brother, and my ‘every day’ bag. Everything fits in it and let’s be honest – you can’t really go wrong with a black Chanel bag, can you?

* I swear I’m not sponsored by Lancôme. I’m just a huge Lancôme fangirl. Their products never irritate my skin, last you a long time and have the overall best selection of colors for my skin tone.

The 5000 Question Meme – Part 3

While you are reading this, I am probably enjoying the heck out of the weekend away with my husband. This is the third part of a 5000 question-long meme that I plan on completing… Some day. So from now on out, the weekends are for memes!

51. Make up a definition for the following silly words…

Fruitgoogle: A Google search that gives you strange results.
Ambytime: A time to amble.
Asscactus: Someone who’s easily offended.

52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands?
A cream cheese pound cake. I can’t cook to save my life, but I’m a terrific baker.

53. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Polly Pocket. I just loved those things, even though you couldn’t actually do a whole lot with it.

54. How many TV’s are in your house?
Two. One in our living room, and one in our guest room. Having no TV in our bedroom is something I feel really strongly about. Bedrooms are for sleeping, reading, talking and… that other thing you do as a couple.

55. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
Swim! Those hot summer days when you spend a whole day by the water drinking caffeinated beverages and eating sandy sandwiches… Ah, that’s the stuff.

56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow?
I don’t think I’ve ever spotted a rainbow without pointing it out to whoever is with me at the time. I love rainbows. They always catch me by surprise and usually when I could use some cheering up, so they always feel like a little gift.

57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true?
Once. I dreamt that Geography was cancelled, and when I got to school it was indeed.

58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader?
I’ve made a habit out of visiting a palm reader in every country I go to. Just for fun, I don’t take it too seriously. I get a kick out of hearing hundreds of different stories about my same old hand.

59. What is your idea of paradise?
No sickness and no suffering.

60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like?
I do believe in God, but I can’t get on board with certain aspects of the bible (or, more precise, I can’t get on board with how some people interpret the bible). I never believed God was something to fear, or an argument to be used when judging others. More that ‘God’ is something that is in all of us; it starts to mean something when you come together and live your life without hurting, blaming or judging others.

I’ll stop now, before I scare everyone away.

61. Do you believe in Hell?
Oh, we’re not done with religion. Alright. I do believe in hell, but I don’t see it as a place you go after you’ve died but rather as a state of being. As long as I can remember, I have associated ‘hell’ with hatred, holding grudges, etc. I don’t believe you can be genuinely happy or at peace when there’s something so strong that holds so much power over you. If that makes sense… I don’t know how to explain it better.

62. What one thing have you done that most people haven’t?
I’ve traveled to a lot of places. And I mean a lot. I’ve lived in the Middle East, United States, Africa, Asia and Europe and backpacked through Central and South America as well. Last time I did one of those travel map thingies, I’d visited over 120 countries. I’m sure there are people who’ve seen much more of the world, but the reaction I usually get when this comes up is ‘Wow, I’ve never even been overseas!’.

63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?
I don’t know if I should be the one to judge. I mean, I won’t ever know for sure how any act of kindness I may have done affected the people I’ve done them for.

64. Are you a patient person?
I’m both the most patient and impatient person you will ever meet. It all comes down to what the circumstances are.

65. What holiday should exist but doesn’t?
I think we have enough holidays.

66. What holiday shouldn’t exist but does?
Columbus Day.

67. What’s the best joke you ever heard?
I’m not very big on jokes, sorry.

68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been?
Once, in High School, Sam and I went to the Dutch version of SeaWorld on a whim. I don’t know if it was the park in itself that was the most fun place I’ve ever been, but I had so much fun that day. It was the first thing that popped into my head.

69. Is your hair natural or dyed?
At the moment it’s natural. I used to dye it since my skin is very fair and my natural hair color is close to black, but living in a country that gets more than three days of sun a year has balanced that out quite nicely.

70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front?
I’m pretty much up front.

71. What is under your bed right now?
Dust bunnies.

72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home?
Go home. I couldn’t even watch this movie when I was younger. It freaked me out completely.

73. If you drive do you frequently speed?
Only when I’m alone in the car, and even then only on certain roads. But more often than not I have the kids with me, and I tend to stick to all the traffic rules when I do.

74. What is the world’s best song to dance to?
I wouldn’t say it’s the best song, but I can’t sit still when I hear Push It by Salt-N-Pepa.

75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone?
Scream & Shout by and Britney Spears.


So! I grew tired with the theme I had up and asked my lovely husband to craft me something new… Which he did (obviously).

Along with a new header and colors, I’ve made it easier for anyone who wishes to stalk me by linking to nearly all social media sites you can find me on. See those nifty stickers to the left? Yea, go there!

And while you’re all doing that, I’ll finish packing for our weekend away. No need to cry, I have part 3 & 4 of the ‘5000 question meme’ scheduled to go up this weekend so you won’t have to miss me too much… Ha.

Have a lovely weekend, all!



Wednesday Wardrobe: Whatever Works

Because of the cast that is currently plastered around my left arm, I’ve been having some trouble getting myself ready in the morning. Imagine getting yourself dressed, doing your hair and tying your shoelaces for a moment… Now picture doing it with one arm.


On top of that, 89% of my tops simply do not fit over this monstrosity, which adds an extra challenge. So, today’s theme?

Comfy Crap.

To me, that means Abercrombie & Fitch. Yes, I know they get slapped with lawsuit after lawsuit and I’m sure there’s a million things wrong with the brand, but that doesn’t take away from the comfort they give me (although it really should, I know, I know). Their clothes have always fit me just right, the materials are stretchy and that’s really all I’m looking for at the moment.

And that’s the truth, Your Honor.


Le Chapeau Merino Panama Hat (Le Chapeau, through; Abercrombie & Fitch Fiona Shorts (; Abercrombie & Fitch Hilary Shine Tank (; Abercrombie & Fitch Carley Sweater (; Womens Pastry Studded Sugar Rush (Pastry, through; Ray-Ban Wayfarer Acetate Sunglasses (Ray-Ban, through; Bracelet & Earrings (Dannijo, gifted/availability unknown); High Shimmer Lipgloss (Citrus, by Bobbi Brown)

Don’t Say A Word


Tonight we’ll be celebrating Sam’s birthday by ordering pizza and watching TV. Doesn’t sound like much of a celebration, does it? That’s because it’s not. It’s what we do every Tuesday.

I’ve been ‘celebrating’ Sam’s birthday with him since he was 17, and I can’t remember him ever giving a flying fart about the day he was welcomed into the world – not even when he turned 21. It’s just not his thing. Parties thrown in his honor make him terribly uncomfortable, gifts are always too much and when people sing Happy Birthday to him he sort of starts glancing around as if he’s looking for the nearest exit.

So in theory we do not celebrate his birthday, because that’s the way he likes it. In practice, Sam has been receiving gifts from family and friends since early November, and this will probably continue well into February. The trick is to give him things he doesn’t view as presents, downplay your ‘random act of kindness’ as much as you can and not mentioning his birthday.

Currently, Sam:
1. Has new tires on his truck because his parents got a ‘good deal’,
2. Will be going to a concert because one of his sisters had ‘an extra ticket’,
3. Received a CD one of my brothers ‘got for free and already had’,
4. Will be going to a basketball game because one of my other brothers ‘would be in town anyway and wanted to go’.

As for me, I booked us a weekend away in a fancy hotel 135 miles down the road because ‘I desperately need a weekend away’. Which is also why my brother Raven ‘happens’ to be in town – he’ll be taking care of Cole and Sadie, while my in-laws take the babies. Oddly enough nobody was brave enough to commit themselves to taking all four of our minions for the weekend. Imagine that.

So, all in all, it looks like Sam will be celebrating his 25th in style. Basketball on Friday and spending Saturday and Sunday in a city that he loves. Not bad, right?

Now let’s hope he isn’t on to us.


Humpty Dumpty

So, a couple of days ago I broke my arm when I slipped and fell in the shower. At least that’s the story I’ve been telling every time someone’s asked ‘OMG what happened to your arm?!’ right before giving my husband the side-eye. Apparently he looks like the wife beating type. Something to do with tattoos I think, I don’t know.


Although this story is true, I did leave a few small details out. Because I firmly believe it’s easier for people to feel sorry for you when they don’t think you’re a complete and utter idiot. And believe me, what happened is a true testimony to how dumb I really am.

Now, before I dive right in, I should give you a little background story about the floor-to-ceiling rack my husband custom built for our bathroom, so I can store all my half empty shampoo bottles, conditioners, shower gels, body lotions and what have you somewhere where Sam won’t knock them over while in the shower (his number 1 pet peeve – bottles flying everywhere because I cram them into too small a space. Guilty).

In theory, this was a lovely idea. However, when Sam was building the thing – all giddy and proud of himself – it seems that he’d temporarily forgotten I am not 6 foot tall, like him. Ergo, I can’t reach the top four shelves. Which, whatever. He can use those, and I use the lower ones, right?


Because every time he cleans the bathroom, my products end up at the very top while his are lower down. So really, when you think of it, what happened is all Sam’s fault.

Now, back to the tragic event.

So, I was in the shower and noticed that my hair was extraordinarily twine-like that day, so I hunted down my conditioner… which happened to be – you guessed it – on the top shelf of our well-intended-poorly-executed rack. Now, instead of doing the sane thing, which would be skipping the conditioner and use one of the billion hair products I could reach instead, I figured I’d simply stand on my tippy toes on the edge of the tub, when both the tub and myself were soaking wet. 

I told you I was an idiot.

Result? I ended up in a position quite similar to this:

pretzel girlOnly with a less ‘zen’ facial expression. And a broken arm.

Now, who still feels sorry for me?


I’d Like To Thank God, Jesus And My Mom.

A big thank you to Bird on a Pencil for nominating me, especially since I’ve been slacking hard when it comes to blogging, lately! As it goes, I now get to share 7 random things about myself, before nominating 15 other blogs (gulp).

7 things you may or may not know about me…

I have a twin brother. His name is Ryan (we’re Ryan and Rhye, which is so cute you could just vomit, I know), and he’s about one minute older than I am. We’re as different as siblings can be, really. He has my mother’s golden locks and my father’s dark eyes, whereas I have my father’s dark hair and my mother’s blue eyes. We rarely vote on the same presidential candidate. We have completely different tastes in music. We don’t watch the same movies. Yet, people still refer to us as ‘the twins’ like we’re conjoined and share a brain. Even now that we’re almost 25 and haven’t lived under the same roof for about 8 years. This bugs me.

I truly believe our cat Luna knocks over glasses just to spite me. She’ll be sitting on a corner of the coffee table all innocent and licking her paws, but as soon as I look away… *bop* there goes the glass. To make matters worse, she never pulls this around Sam, who now believes I’m just incredibly clumsy and try to blame it on the cat.

During my senior year of High School I was head cheerleader, homecoming queen and prom queen. I was also mercilessly bullied by other girls.
Yes, that happens.

I love everything peppermint. I also love everything chocolate. But I can’t stand those two flavors combined.

Taking care of children that a) did not come out of my special area, or b) weren’t gifted to me through court makes me incredibly nervous. I’m always scared I’ll accidentally kill them in some way or another.

Whenever someone crosses the street when they see me and our pit bull Lucy coming their way, I get this sudden urge to chase after them just to see if they would panic or cry. Please note that Lucy is an incredible coward. I mean, she hides under the porch from our neighbor’s Pomeranian, for crying out loud.

The number 7 is the unofficial sponsor for my relationship. Sam was the 7th boy I kissed, which happened on my seventeenth birthday, and after we’d been together for 7 years, I found out I was about 7 weeks pregnant.


And this is where I nominate 15 other blogs. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to even begin, so let me get back to you on that when I have a little more time and brain activity.

Wednesday Wardrobe: Not-so-mellow Yellow

Sometimes I know exactly what I want to wear, other times I ‘build’ my outfit around a certain color of nail polish, a pair of earrings or certain shoes. Today, I pulled things together to ‘match’ (my clothes almost never match, exactly… ha.) the bangle bracelet my husband gifted to me a while ago. I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed lately, and what better way to lift your spirits than through wearing some cheerfully colored accessories?

Jimmy Choo Youth Biker-Style Shearling Boots (Jimmy Choo, through; SuperTrash Paradise Dark Blue Ripped Jeans (Supertrash, through; LOU LOU Black ‘In Vogue We Trust’ Vest (; CHANEL Suede Quilted CC Handbag Black (gifted/availability unknown); Lovisa Tort & Edge Detail Bangle (gifted/availability unknown); Bee Charming Eye Love Yellow Multi-Strand Bracelet (; Lemon Earrings (; Nail Polish (Bubble Bath, by OPI)


I have nothing to say today. So here, have a song I’m currently addicted to.